Oxidation Behavior of the Composites with SiC Coating and Carbon Substrates Internally Modified by B 4C Additives SiC涂层/B4C改性炭基复合材料的氧化行为研究
The laboratory evaluation method and apparatuses on drag reduction, viscosity reduction and anti-wax for the internal wall coating and additives of pipeline of crude oil were summarized. 随着人们对原油减阻防蜡研究的深入,实验室评价装置和性能测试方法也将进一步得到完善和发展。
Waterborne coating containing nano TiO2 with excellent performances is prepared by adding above-mentioned nano TiO2 suspension and various additives in the common waterborne styrene-acrylate emulsion coating. The performances thereof are tested then. 将分散后的纳米TiO2浆料加入到普通的水性苯丙乳液涂料中,加入各种助剂配制出了性能优异的水性纳米TiO2涂料,并对涂料的性能进行了测试。
The formulas of coating color of color ink-jet printing paper, including pigment, binders and additives, as well as the indexes of lab-prepared coating color, such as viscosity, solid content and so on, were investigated. 进行了各种彩色喷墨打印纸涂料配方的研究,包括颜料、粘合剂和助剂的选择及配比,及对自制涂料的各项指标,比如粘度、固含量等做了检测。
The effect of coating additives on the inorganic paints is analyzed in principle. 从原理上分析助剂对无机涂料的作用。
The Choice of Coating Additives for Inorganic Paints 无机涂料的助剂选择
The formulation design of liquid solventless epoxy paint ( as well as high solid paint) and epoxy powder coating were introduced. The principles of selecting binders, hardeners, diluents, additives and pigments and fillers were discussed. 论述了液体无溶剂型环氧涂料(包括高固体分涂料)和环氧粉末涂料的配方设计,以及基料、固化剂、稀释剂、颜填料和助剂的选择原则。
The coating consists of epoxy-silicon bond, aluminium powder, glass filler and various additives to improve heat stability and corrosion resistance. 涂层由环氧一有机硅粘结剂、铝粉、玻璃料和各种提高热稳定性及耐腐蚀性的添加剂组成。
Under normal pressure and room temperature, urea humate is manufactured by coating urea with coal humus acid, with water and a few additives as its binder, also its agricultural effect is examined. 介绍用水和少量添加剂作介质,在常温常压下,煤炭腐植酸与尿素直接进行络合反应包裹生产腐植酸尿素的工艺及特点,并对其农业应用效果进行了讨论。Binder的结论不一致。
A composition coating for ferrous metal alloy surfaces was comprised of phosphates base solution, heat-resisting pigments and some additives, which could be solidified on the surface of plain steel in ambient temperature without solidification agent. 研究了一种用于钢铁表面的磷酸盐复合涂料,它由复合磷酸盐基液、耐热颜料和一定的添加剂组成,涂刷在普通钢铁表面上可在室温自然固化。
Doping advanced coating with suitable inorganic antibacterial healthy additives activated by rare earth elements developed interior wall coating for purifying harmful gasses in house ndcroclimate. 将稀土激活无机抗菌净化剂按一定比例加到高档内墙乳胶涂料中,制备空气净化功能建筑内墙涂料。
In relation to the abrasion resistance of Ni diamond composite coating, the author compares the effects of different additives or combined additives on the abrasion resistance of composite coating. 报道镍-金刚石复合镀层耐磨性能的研究.比较不同添加剂或组合添加剂对复合镀层耐磨性的影响;
A kind of external thermal protection coating material which takes epoxy-modified organic silicone resin and polyamide curing agent as matrix, and thermal-insulating and heat-resisting fillers as additives was developed. 研制了一种由环氧改性有机硅树脂、聚酰胺类固化剂为基体,以隔热及耐热填料为添加剂的室温固化耐高温外热防护涂料体系;
This article has described the corrosion circumstance and mechanism of corrosion in concrete and a corrosion protective coating for rebar specially used in hydraulic concrete structures, which is prepared with epoxy resin as binder and mixed with glass flakes, pigments and additives. 分析了混凝土中钢筋的腐蚀环境及机理,介绍了一种针对性强的液体水工混凝土结构钢筋防腐涂料。
The high solid epoxy coating is prepared based on epoxy resin, polyamide, modified polyamines, active diluents and coating additives as raw materials. 以环氧树脂、聚酰胺、改性胺、活性稀释剂等为原料,制备了环氧厚浆涂料。
Study on the Matching Characteristics between Electroless Deposited Coating and Lubricant Additives 化学镀覆层与润滑油添加剂的配伍性研究
The test results showed that nano-SiC particles could enhance obviously the hardness of coating, and its friction coefficient was lower than that of Ni coating, and displayed a decreasing tendency when the concentration of nano-SiC and additives in the solution were increased. 快镍复合纳米SiC镀层的摩擦因数低于快镍镀层的摩擦因数。镀液中纳米SiC粉和添加剂浓度增加时,复合镀层的摩擦因数有降低趋势。
The results show that the micro-arc oxidation ceramic coating surface of the aluminates salt system has the compactness and good corrosion resistance. ( 2) By adding different additives in the basic formula of phosphate salt base to explore additives on the properties of micro-arc oxidation ceramic membrane. 通过在以磷酸盐为主盐的基础配方里添加不同的添加剂来探究添加剂对微弧氧化陶瓷膜性能的影响。
The research primarily designed and optimized the factors that affected the hardness of the coating, which studied the screening of the emulsions, film-forming additives, wetting dispersing agents, leveling additives. 主要从影响涂膜硬度的因素进行设计和优化,包括乳液的筛选搭配,成膜助剂,润湿分散剂,流平助剂进行研究。
Adhesive for infrared stealth coating was synthesized by emulsion polymerization with isoprene and acrylonitrile as comonomers, and water-based infrared stealth coating was prepared by adhesive, metal fillers and additives. 以异戊二烯和丙烯腈为单体,通过乳液聚合合成了水性红外隐身涂料用粘合剂,用该粘合剂、金属填料和助剂制备了水性红外隐身涂料。
The spark state and coating thickness are changed by adding sodium citrate auxiliary additives in the phosphate electrolyte, and coating performance improves. 在磷酸盐电解液中加入辅助添加剂柠檬酸钠,改变了火花状态和膜层厚度而使得到的膜层性能提高。
In this article, the author takes the branch of coating additives and special resins in EDT Company, a Germany corporation, as the study object. It mainly focuses on its practical experience in key account management system and process in Chinese coating raw material industry. 本论文以德国EDT公司旗下涂料添加剂和特种树脂部分公司为研究对象,主要研究其在中国涂料原材料行业的大客户满意度的提升策略。
A heat-resistant silicone resin is selected as a good coating of organic material by TGA and IR test. The glass filler, silicone resins, solvents and other additives was formulated into a high-temperature coating according to a certain percentage. 通过热重和红外测试来选择一种耐热性好的有机硅树脂作为涂层的有机基料。